Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012


Understanding pronunciation, stress, intonation, and pause or raw lasin
1. Understanding pronunciation
Pronunciation is the way a person or group of people in a community language utter sounds of language support, pelapalan sounds of language can vary between a person or group of people, while pelapalan sounds of language at the start of pelapalan fonen, or letters. In the Indonesian language there are 26 letters comprising 21 consonants, and comprises 5 letters vocals
How pelapalan letters correctly by EYP (enhanced spelling)
Each cover discuss aindonesia should follow the rules read letter by letter.
Pronunciations of words in the English language is not as difficult as in the Indonesian language word pronunciation between speech sounds and the words are not much different would tetapu memeng must admit there are certain words that the writing is the same but different words
Like the following example:
Apples: apples fruits: report
Raw: Raw terpelenting: personality
Drag: drag faltered: pull down the ground
2. Understanding Pressure
The pressure is on to emphasize the speech syllables or words so that part was harder on the words of another word
The pressure can be divided into 2kelompok namely:
a.tekanan based on sound wave
b. pressure by place
based on sound pressure wave can be divided into three, namely:
1. dynamic pressure / pressure loud sounds softer
2. Pressure tone / musical or high pressure and low tones
3. Temporal pressure / time pressures in short-term noise
Pressure dinami divided into 2 types:
1. Silabis dynamic pressure is intense pressure on syllables that do not lead to differences in meaning
2. Dynamic pressure is the pressure of harsh words in the word or group of words that serves to membedahkan kalmat meaning.

Pressure tone / musical is the pressure that accompanies the demands of rhythm in the mean, low or flat down lal up.
Pressure temporal / time that the pressure exerted when adjusting teaching ..

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