Jumat, 07 Desember 2012


A. Fair
Justice is giving rights to those who deserve it without any abatement, and put everything in place that actually matters without persecution, and to say the right with no one to fear but to God Almighty alone. Allah swt. says in a letter an-Nisa verse 135:
Meaning:O you who believe, be ye really upholders of justice, bearing witness for Allah, even against yourselves or your parents and relatives. If he is rich or poor, Allah knows better kemaslahatannya. Do not follow your own desires and deviate from the truth. And if ye distort (words) or decline to do justice, verily Allah is well acquainted with all that ye do (Surat an-Nisa: 135)
Islam calls for justice even if one of us was going hostilities. Allah swt. says in Sura al-Maida verse 8:

Meaning:O you who believe, let you become the people who always uphold the (truth) because Allah, bearing witness with justice. And do not ever something of the hatred towards, encouraging you to do injustice. Be fair, because it's fairly close to godly. And fear Allah, surely Allah is Aware of what you do. (Q.S. al-Maidah verse 8)
Adil equated with deeds of virtue, because the fair itself is giving the right to have. So people are given the right to feel pleased and happy. Allah swt. said in Q.S. an-Nahl (16) verse 90:
Meaning:Verily Allah tells (you) to be fair and do good, giving to kinsfolk, and God forbid of indecency, munkar and hostility. He teaches you that ye may take heed (Surat an-Nahl: 90)
Shihab Prof.Quraisy elaborate on the meaning of justice in his book Al-Quran Insights things. 114-116, there are at least four fair understanding expressed by scholars, namely;1. Fair in the sense of "equal"In the same sense to treat people, not distinguishing rights. Word of God from Q.S. an-Nisa (4) verse 58 follows:
Meaning:Verily Allah tells you to deliver the message to those who deserve it, and (telling you) when applying the laws among the people that you assign to the fair. Verily Allah gives the best possible instruction to you. God is All-hearing, All-seeing. (Q.S. An-Nisa: 58)
Consider the example of justice practiced by Ali ibn Abi Talib follows, once a day there is a dispute between Ali ibn Abi Talib with a Jew, which is a dispute that reached to the court (majlis law) under the leadership of Umar bin Khattab in order to get a settlement. Once both parties are equally came to Umar, Umar then said to Ali: "O Abal Hasan, stand close to your opponent." After Umar gave his decision, facial Ali Umar saw that there are signs of grief, then he said: "O Ali, why do I see you are a bit hard? '. Ali replied: "Because you do not equate between me and my opponent, you called me by the name of honor" Abal Hasan ", you are calling a regular Jewish name."Have you ever witnessed an act of justice to reach reach that high? What is practiced by the caliph Umar ibn Khattab and Ali ibn Abi Talib was the mirror of justice in Islam. Because Islam called on his people to be fair, Islam strictly prohibits to apply otherwise.Imam Ibn Taymiyyah said: "Allah will help a fair ruler or government though he infidel government, and God will not help the government's despotic ruler even though he's a Muslim". Allah swt. says in Sura al-Hud paragraph 117:
Meaning:And your Lord would never destroy the despotic countries, while population of people who do good. (Surah al-Hud: 117)2. Fair in the sense of "balance"Balance is needed in a group in which there are various parts that are working towards a specific goal. With parts being gathered, the group can run or survive to the purpose of his presence. Allah says in Surat al-Infithar (82) The following verses 6-7Meaning:Hey man, What has deceive you (disobedience) to your Lord Most Gracious. Who has created you then refine and make kejadianmu (body composition) your balance. (Q.S. al Infithar :6-7)
عدل word in the verse means balanced. The human body will be normal for the body parts that all work or serve the purpose of his presence.
Other examples are the word of God Q.S. al-Mulk (67) paragraph 3 below;Meaning:Who created the seven heavens in layers. You never see the creation of God, Most Gracious, something that is not balanced. Then look again and again, there you see something that is not balanced? (Q.S. al-Mulk: 3)
The universe will last as long as the parts of the ecosystem are established by God Almighty. works with balanced.
3. Fair in the sense of "concern for the rights of individuals and the rights it gives to its owner".This sense is defined as "to put something in place" or "to give another party right through the nearest road." His opponent is injustice in the sense of violating the rights of others. This gave rise to the sense of social justice.
4. Adil attributed to the Divine.Fair here means maintaining the fairness of the continued existence, does not prevent the continued existence and recovery of mercy when there are many possibilities for it ". Divine justice is mercy and goodness. Justice consequences that contains Allah's mercy. not held to obtain, as far as being able to achieve it.

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