Understanding Work Ethos
What is the sense of work ethic? Dictionary
Wikipedia mentions that comes from the Greek ethos; ethikos root is,
which means moral or demonstrate moral character. In ancient and modern Greek, ethos has meaning as a sense of self, soul, and mind that make up a person.
Webster's New Word Dictionary, 3rd College Edition, ethos is defined as
the propensity or character; attitudes, habits, beliefs different from
individuals or groups. It can even be said that ethics is fundamentally about ethics.
Ethics is certainly not only possessed a certain nation. Peoples and nations have any ethics; these are universal values. Ethical
values associated with such diligent work ethic, work hard, and
thorough, restraint, perseverance, diligence and other ethical values
can also be found in other societies and nations.
Crafts, mutual assistance, mutual aid, for example, was found to be civil in our society. The difference is that in certain nations certain ethical values stand out while other nations do not.
the course of time, certain ethical values, which was not outstanding
or mediocre can be a prominent character in a particular society or
nation. Miyamoto
Musashi comes the work ethic, work ethic Germany, western work ethic,
work ethic South Korea and the work ethic other developed nations.
Even the same principle can be found in the work ethicdifferent terms albeit relatively the same work ethic. Call
it like disciplined, hard work, frugality, and saving; these values
are found in the South Korean work ethic and the work ethic or the
work ethic of West Germany.
explored more deeply, work ethic is a response made by a person, group,
or community to life in accordance with their beliefs. Every belief system has value and every person who receives certain beliefs seek to act in accordance with his beliefs.When understanding the work ethic re-defined,work ethic is a unique response of a person or group or society to life, response or action arising fromfaith received and the response it becomes a habit or character in a person or a group or community. In other words, the work ethic is a product of the belief system received by a person or a group or community.
How is the work ethic the children of Indonesia? In this republic, Jansen Sinamo Work Ethos serves 8 Professional with the following characteristics:
Work is Grace
Work is Amanah
Work is Call
Work is Actualization
Work is Worship
Work is Art
Work is Honorary
Work is Ministry
However, on this website offered a new work ethic, the work ethic Pancasila, to distinguish it from the existing terms.
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