on marriage comes from the Arabic word often translated in Indonesian by marriage. Marriage
according to Islamic law is a contract term that justifies the
association between male - men and women who are not related to the
contract that are Mahram going right and kewjiban between two beings.
relationship between a male - male and female is a guide that has been
created by God, and to justify this relationship then disyariatkanlah
ceremony. Relationships
between men - men nd women who arranged this marriage will bring
harmony, blessings and prosperity for both men - men and women, for the
descendants of the two even for the people who are surrounding the
second man.
the association between male - men and women who are not fostered by
means of the marriage will bring good for both human catastrophe, the
offspring and the surrounding communities. Relationships
are tied with the knot will bring them into the affairs of life so that
the two can be mutually helping each other, it can be good for both
creating and maintaining a crime that might befall both parties. With one's wedding will also be preserved from destruction his desires.
Allah says in the letter An - Nisa verse 3 as follows:
"Then marry a woman - a woman (another) you love, two, three or four. Then if you fear you will not be fair brlaku then (marry) only one. "(An - Nisa: 3).
This verse commands to the men - men who are able to perform marriage. As
is fair in this paragraph is fair in giving to the wife in the form of
clothing, place, and turn the other - the other is external. This verse also explains that Islam allows polygamy with conditions - certain conditions.
2. LAW AND arguments
Basically, Islam strongly recommends to the people who have been able to get married. However, because of some conditions that wide - range, then the law of marriage can be divided into five types.
a. Sunnah,
for people who are willing and who had cost him so as to provide
maintenance to his wife and purposes - other needs that must be met.
b. Shall, for the people who can perform weddings and marriage otherwise it will fall into adultery.
Prophet Muhammad SAW. :
"O youth group, whoever amongst you enough charge then let married. Because marriage is sesumgguhnya enghalangi view (which is prohibited by the religion.) And memlihara honor. And those who can not, then let him fast. Because fasting is a shield for him. "(Bukhari Muslim).
c. Makruh, for those who are unable to perform weddings Unable to provide for his wife shopping or alternatively impotence.
Allah SWT says:
refrain people - people who do not have (cost) for the marriage, until
God replenish with some of his gifts." (An Nur / 24:33)
d. Haram, for people who want to marry with the intention to harm his wife or wasted - it away. The law is also exposed to unclean people who can not afford to give to his wife shopping, while lust is not urgent.
e. Permissible,
for the people - people who are not constrained by things - things that
require immediate marriage or mengharamkannya.
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