Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012


Two Companions
12 noon, Andi and Tri wanted to go to a friend's house that is the Son, diBogor they both are true friends, they go everywhere together, when they wanted to go with her friend Andi Tri bus ride to the station, "I lost money" says Andi. "Is gone where?" Tri said.
"I do not know?" Andy replied. "Maybe you pocket hole?" Tri said. "Hmm. Yeah you're right Tri! I lost money! Andi felt sad. "Yaudah take it, then I'll pay for everything". They both buy tickets and they were both waiting for the train. "How old chariot sihh" asked Tri.
"There may be interference? Ask your counters and guards. Trains arrive at what time? "Andi soon menjawab.Tidak Tri asked," Mr. Train arriving at what time? "Tanya Tri. Then the guard replied "train arrived at half past two son".
Finally, at half past two, the train arrived with shortness. They both crowded train ride plus a heavy rain. There are many distractions at every station, trains delayed as a result, we tried to be patient. When they began to tired feet, eventually they can both seat, they just sat there suddenly parents up and stood in front of them.
"Ssst.beri parents that seat!" Tri whisper replied to Andi. "Yasudah better we succumb, they both would be too sad," replied Andy. When they both relented and finally the old man can sit danmengucapkan "Thank you yes dear". "Yeah equally Bu, anyways fellow humans must share and succumb to the elders," replied Tri.
"Both the old man and smiled at the two Companions. When they arrived they walked home diBogor son, "The house where?" Ask Andy. "Soon anyway, the house was not too far from the station.." When they walk a few minutes they came home son, who come all the way from Jakarta to meet with his old friend.
When the son arrived home, they were treated well. "Finally old friends meet again dipertemuan this short!" Fun Tri. "Utterly Tri" said Andi. They also played together with jokes and laughter.
Today was the afternoon, the three of them finally parted. Son drove them to the station, "Well enough until we encounter here, I hope you both survived until the goal!" Son replied with feeling a bit sad because it will split.
"Yeah, you too careful streets comrade" said Andi. "Hopefully next time we can still meet as it is now" Tri adding words Andi. Trains arrived eventually the three of them split up, when the train doors shut Son shouted "See you folks!! Good-bye ".
Andi and Tri smiled, now just the two of us Tri. Suddenly Tri asleep dikereta as tired after playing together, but Andy can not take the thought of traveling and sharing his friend.
One hour journey and finally they reached the station at seven in the evening, wake Tri Andi had to get up from his bed, talking to each other they both pleasure and togetherness. When near the station. Andi said: "I'm so hungry, but had already eaten". "Have it easy, you'll eat me pay anyway" Tri said. After dinner they walked back home.
When it came to the fork in them both apart. "I'll go first huh?" Tri said. "Yeah caution" Andi said. And finally they both came home each. No one feels the loss or regret, everyone was pleased though Andi lost money.

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