The types of clouds and cloud families
1. Columns clouds are clouds that gather and form essentially horizontal2. Stratus clouds are thin clouds covered the sky and the wide spread evenly3. Cirrus clouds are clouds that stand alone, smooth and fibrous, often there are ice crystals but did not cause rain
Not Cuman Humans, Animals, and other living creatures mahkuk that have a family, but Cloud was also have family.Here are 4 Families cloud:1. High clouds (Family A)High clouds form between 10,000 and 25,000 feet (3,000 and 8,000 m) in the polar regions, 16,500 and 40,000 feet (5,000 and 12,000 m) in temperate regions, and 20,000 and 60,000 feet (6,000 and 18,000 m) in the tropics. [2]The clouds in the Family A includes:• Genus Cirrus (Ci): putihberserat clouds of fine ice crystals visible in the blue sky. In general, non-convective except castellanus and floccus species.o Species fibratus Cirrus (Ci fi): Fibrous cirrus with no tufts or hooks.o Species uncinus Cirrus (Ci UNC): Hooked cirrus filaments.o
Species spissatus Cirrus (Ci spi): Patchy dense cirrus.
o Species castellanus Cirrus (Ci cas): Some cirrus tower.o Species floccus Cirrus (Ci flo): Some cirrus tufted.• Genus Cirrocumulus (Cc): layers of clouds that looked like waves on the sand beach, a small round or flakes and white colored or marching groups. [1]o Species Cirrocumulus stratiformis (Cc str): Sheets or relatively flat patches cirrocumulus.o Species Cirrocumulus lenticularis (Cc len): Lens-shaped cirrocumulus.o Species Cirrocumulus castellanus (Cc cas): cirrocumulus tower.o Species Cirrocumulus floccus (Cc flo): cirrocumulus tufted.• Genus Cirrostratus (Cs): A thin non-convective veil that usually cause halos. The sun and the moon visible in clear outline. Typically thickens into altostratus ahead of a warm front or low pressure areas.o Species Cirrostratus fibratus (Cs fib): Fibrous cirrostratus less detached than cirrus.o Species Cirrostratus nebulosus (Cs neb): average sheath cirrostratus.2. Middle clouds (Family B)Middle clouds tend to form at 6,500 feet (2,000 m), but can form at altitudes up to 13,000 feet (4,000 m), 23,000 feet (7,000 m) or 25,000 feet (8,000 m), depending on the area. Generally warmer climate, the higher the cloud base. Nimbostratus is a medium-altitude clouds can move down to lower elevations in the rain. [2] The World meterological organization Nimbostratus classify as medium clouds to thicken into the low altitude range during precipitation. [3]Clouds in Family B includes:• Genus Altocumulus (Ac): a little cloud layer convection usually in the form of a pattern of irregular or rounded masses in groups, lines, or waves. High altocumulus may resemble cirrocumulus but the bases show at least some light gray shadow.o Species Altocumulus stratiformis (Ac str): Sheets or relatively flat patches altocumulus.o Species Altocumulus lenticularis (Ac len): Lens-shaped altocumulus.o Species Altocumulus castellanus (Ac cas): altocumulus tower.o Species Altocumulus floccus (Ac flo): altocumulus tufted.• Genus Altostratus (As): or translucent non-convective veil of gray opaque blue-gray cloud / that often forms along warm fronts and around low-pressure areas where it may thicken into Nimbostratus.Altostratus not subdivided into species.3. Low clouds (Family C1)It was found from near surface up to 6,500 feet (2,000 m) [2] and includes Stratus genus. When Stratus clouds contact the ground, they are called fog, although not all forms of Stratus fog.Family clouds C1 includes:• The genus stratocumulus (Sc): a little cloud convection usually in the form of irregular patterns or round, similar to altocumulus but larger and darker colored.o Species stratiformis stratocumulus (Sc str): Sheets or relatively flat patches stratocumulus.o Species lenticularis stratocumulus (Sc len): Lens-shaped stratocumulus.o Species castellanus stratocumulus (Sc cas): stratocumulus tower.• Genus Stratus (St): a cloud-like fog coated uniform but did not touch the ground (relatively high). [2]•o Species Stratus nebulosus (St neb): average sheath Stratus.o Species Stratus fractus (St fra): rough broken piece of Stratus.Middle Low clouds (Family C2)This cloud can be based anywhere from near the surface of about 10,000 feet (3,000 m). Cumulus usually forms in low height range but the base will rise into the lower middle range at very low relative humidity conditions. Nimbostratus normally forms from altostratus in the middle of the range of heights but the base may be eased into the low range during precipitaion. Both types of clouds can reach significant thickness and is sometimes classified as a vertical cloud (family D), especially in Europe. [4] However, cumulus always, by definition, does not correspond with the level of vertical towering cumulus (cumulus congestus) or the cumulonimbus. Nimbostratus Very thick towering cumulus to estimate, but it falls well short of the level of vertical well-developed cumulonimbus clouds.Family clouds covering C2:• Genus Cumulus [5] (Cu): Clouds free convection with clear-cut flat bases and the top of the dome. Towering cumulus (cumulus congestus) are usually classified as clouds of vertical development (family D).o Species Cumulus fractus (Cu fra): Cumulus clouds broken up into fragments and tattered change.o Species Cumulus humilis (Cu hum): Small cumulus clouds usually with just a light gray in the shade.o Species mediocris Cumulus (Cu med): Cumulus clouds of moderate size with medium gray shadow below.• Genus Nimbostratus (Ns): A layer of dark gray non-convective look weak diffuse illuminated from within. This is a cloud that usually forms precipitation along warm fronts and around low-pressure areas. Nimbostratus is not subdivided into species.4. Vertical clouds (Family D)• Genus Cumulonimbus (Cb): a cloud with a large and looming mass of low to very high altitude, prone to storms and lightning. They formed in a very unstable air mass, especially during fast-moving cold front.o Species Cumulonimbus calvus (Cb cal): Cumulonimbus clouds with very high clear-cut domed peaks similar to towering cumulus.o Species capillatus cumulonimbus (Cb cap): Cumulonimbus clouds with very high tops that have become fibrous due to the presence of ice crystals.Features capillatus Supplimentary incus cumulonimbus (Cb ink stamp): A cumulonimbus incus cloud top is one that has spread to form a clear basis as a result of hitting an inversion layer in the upper troposphere. Features Supplimentary with Mammatus cumulonimbus (Cb Mam): A Mammatus cloud base is characterized by a bubble-like protrusions under facing caused by localized downdrafts within the cloud. Official WMO Mama cumulonimbus term.• Genus Cumulus (Cu) [6] [7]o Species Cumulus congestus (WMO: Cu Con / ICAO: TCU): clouds with vertical size (width) is large and dark colored grayish.o Pyrocumulus (no official abbreviation): Cumulus clouds associated with volcanic eruptions and large-scale fires. Not recognized by the WMO as a distinct genus or species.
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