Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012


Political development in Repelita VI is the initial stage of political development in the PJP 11 and a continuation, improvement and deepening of political development in the PJP I. Pernbangunan politics has been able to achieve a stable national stability and dynamic, thus allow ¬ national implementation of sustainable development and has resulted in an increase in welfare, moving towards national goals as set forth in the Preamble to the Constitution (Constitution) 1945 which protects the entire nation Indonesia and the entire country of Indonesia and to promote the general welfare, the intellectual life of the nation, and participate in the establishment of a world order based on freedom, abiding peace and social justice
As stipulated by the 1993 Guidelines political development in Repelita VI as the initial stage of H PJP 11 order directed at the realization of political life based on Pancasila democracy are increasingly able to ensure the proper functioning of the political institutions and community organizations, solid process of political communication, both between supra and political infrastructure as well as between fellow supra and political infrastructure and the public, and develop an atmosphere of openness and responsible attitude. Political development in Repelita VI seeks to improve the quality of political education, leadership and political cadres, establish ethical, moral, and political culture based on Pancasila, increasing political participation of society, and building a family atmosphere in the society, nation and state.
.One of the main objectives of development policy is to uphold the constitution of life, democracy and the rule of law on the basis of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. In this context in 1997 elections have been held in accordance with the principle of-principle, ie direct, general, free and secret. 1997 elections have been held in a democratic atmosphere more intense. Although not in spite of problems such as the riots during the campaign, the election of 1997 observed its implementation seems more advanced than previous elections. In the 1997 election reflected the growing political consciousness of the people high, as demonstrated by the participation of the people of the area, since the implementation of the campaign until the time of the election itself. One of the obvious evidence is that in the 1997 elections, 93.38% of the people eligible to vote have been using the right

Foreign policy is the strategy and tactics used by the state in relation to other countries. In broad terms, foreign policy is a pattern of behavior used by a State in relation to other countries. Foreign policy decision-making process related to the choice of a particular path to follow. According to the Strategic Plan Implementation Foreign Policy of the Republic of Indonesia (1984-1988), foreign policy is defined as "a policy adopted by the government in terms of the international world in an effort to achieve national objectives." Through foreign policy, the government projected its national interests in the community of nations ". From the description on the face can be seen that the real purpose of foreign policy is to achieve national interests. The goal includes an overview of the state of the country in the future as well as the desired future condition. The implementation of foreign policy initiated by determining policies and decisions by considering the things that are based on national factors as internal factors and international factors as external factors.1. The legal basis for the implementation of the foreign policy of the Republic of Indonesia is illustrated clearly in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution paragraph I and paragraph IV. Paragraph I stated that .... freedom is the right of every nation, and therefore the occupation in the world should be abolished because it is not in accordance with humanity and justice.2. Further on paragraph IV stated that .... and participate in the establishment of a world order based on freedom, abiding peace and social justice ..... Of the two quotes above, it is clear that the foreign policy of Indonesia any basis or legal basis for a very strong, as stipulated in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution. In addition to the opening there are also a few chapters for example Article 11, paragraph 1, 2.3; chapter 13 verses 1,2,3 and others.3. Article 114. (1) The President with the approval of the House of Representatives to declare war, make peace, and treaties with other countries.5. (2) The President in making international agreements that will produce an extensive and6. fundamental to the lives of the people associated with the country's financial burden, and / or require changes to the law or the establishment subject to approval of the House of Representatives. ***)7. (3) Further provisions of international agreements shall be regulated by law. ***)8. Article 139. (1) The President shall appoint ambassadors and consuls.10. (2) In appointing ambassadors, the President shall take into consideration of the House of Representatives. *)11. (3) The President receives ambassadors placement of other countries with respect to consideration of the House of Representatives. *)12. Foreign Policy in the President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in 2004 - 2009, the vision and mission of which he is doing business13. establish foreign policy. That is the way kualitdiplomasi Indonesia in the national interest. Achievement Indonesia since January 1, 2007 became a temporary member of the UN Security Council, which the Republic of Indonesia was elected by the 158 UN member states. The task of the Republic of Indonesia in the UN Security Council are:14. 1). Chairman of the Sanctions Committee of Rwanda15. 2). Chairman of the working committee for peacekeepers16. 3). Chairman of the Committee for the Sierra Leone sanctions17. 4). Vice Chairman of the settlement konfik Sudan18. 5) Vice Chairman of the Congo conflict resolution19. 6). Vice Kertua conflict resolution committee Guinea Bissau20. Indonesia has recently dared to take a position asthe only permanent member states which abstained from the UN Security Council when all the other countries to provide support for sanctions on Iran. Distinctive Free Active Politics of Indonesia in the various descriptions of the Foreign Policy of the free and active, the Free and Active referred to as the nature of foreign policy of the Republic of Indonesia. Even behind the word freely and actively still be added to other properties, such as anti-colonialism, anti-imperialism. In Strategy Implementation Plan documents the Foreign Policy of the Republic of Indonesia (1984-1989) which has been determined by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, dated May 19, 1983, explained that the nature of the foreign policy are: (1) Free Active .... (2) Anti-colonialism ... (3) Serving the National Interest and ... (4) democratic. In foreign policy treatise prepared by the Head of Research and Development (R & D) Foreign Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Suli Sulaiman .... called the nature of foreign policy as well as the only non Active anti-colonialism and anti-imperialism. While M. Sabir more likely to use the term characteristics and properties separately. According to M Sabir, traits or characteristics are usually referred to a more permanent nature, while giving an adjective meaning ordinary nature can be fickle.Thus, because of the nature of free and active permanently attached to the torso politically active smoking, the authors classify as discrete non-politically active while the Anti-Colonialism and Anti-Imperialism describes as nature.

As described earlier, the existing formula in paragraph I and paragraph IV of the 1945 Constitution is a very strong legal basis for foreign policy RI. But from the formula, we do not get an idea of ​​the meaning of an independent foreign policy is active. Therefore in this description will be quoted a few opinions on the notion of free and active. Wijaya formulate AW: Free, meaning not bound by any political ideology or by a foreign country or by a block of certain states, or superpowers (super power). Active means that the contribution of respect for the sovereignty of other countries. Meanwhile Mochtar Kusumaatmaja freely formulate active as follows: Free: in the sense that Indonesia

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